Whether we’re on the road or stationary, living a healthy lifestyle is important to us and probably is to you, too. Staying hydrated is vital to good health and clean drinking water is important.
We joke about drinking “bougie water,” but this really is our favorite. When we find something that works for our lifestyle, we love to share it with everyone.
Liquid Death is convenient for travel because it comes in 16.9-ounce tallboy aluminum cans instead of glass bottles that can break when things shift in the van. Our preference is the Mountain Water in the white can and Sparkling Water in the black can for those of us who like a little carbonation (AKA me!)
You can find these in our van fridge any given day traveling with a big group or an open can sitting next to our laptop as we work solo from the road.
You’ll be hooked and glad you murdered your thirst!
What is your go to hydration option on the road?